Майор Гром: Игра

Майор Гром: Игра

Майор Гром: Игра

2h 30min2024

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Police Major Igor Grom is known throughout St. Petersburg for his punchy character and uncompromising attitude towards criminals of all stripes. Incredible strength, analytical mindset and integrity — all this makes Major Thunder a real superhero. His life is perfect: during the day he catches criminals with his partner Dima Dubin, and spends the evenings in the company of journalist Yulia Pchelkina. The complete idyll is interrupted by the appearance in the city of a mysterious villain calling himself a Ghost. He offers Thunder to play a dangerous game, the stake in which is the lives of ordinary people.

  • Genero: Acción, Aventura, Misterio
  • Actores: Тихон Жизневский, Любовь Аксёнова, Александр Сетейкин, Алексей Маклаков, Олег Чугунов, Сергей Горошко, Ольга Сутулова, Матвей Лыков, Андрей Трушин, Константин Хабенский, Олег Ягодин, Юлия Паршута, Александра Черкасова, Александр Манько, Андрей Кондратьев
  • Subtitulado CALIDAD HD
    • 1. streamwish - HD
    • 2. filemoon - HD
    • 3. vidhide - HD
    • 4. voesx - HD
    • 5. doodstream - HD
    • 6. streamtape - HD
    • 7. netu - HD
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