Ghosts of Red Ridge

Ghosts of Red Ridge

Ghosts of Red Ridge

1h 21min2024

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After foiling a good ol' fashioned stickup in the gold bust town of Red Ridge, Texas, the town sheriff jails a mysterious stranger suspected of ties to the gang of outlaws terrorizing residents. But as the sheriff draws closer to unraveling the bandits' identities, ghosts of murdered townspeople begin appearing at his door, leaving him to question whether the spirits are warning him…or seeking vengeance for his own failure to protect them.

  • Genero: Western, Terror
  • Actores: Owen Williams, Trent Culkin, Griffin Wade, Mercedes Peterson, John Marrs, Blaize Naasz, Chris James Rivera, Curt Lambert, Lena Wilcox, John Schile, Robert Clark, Cliff Owens, Bill Fortenberry, Tammi-Jo Wilkins, William Carr
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