My Amish Double Life

My Amish Double Life

My Amish Double Life

1h 28min2025

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After her father's mysterious death, Emma, a young Amish woman, wants to experience something different, so, going behind her mother Mary's back, and with the help of her friend Rebecca, she escapes into the English world to have a rumspringa. Once there, she meets a Prince-Charming, Heath, who sweeps her off her feet. But her dream date with him gets interrupted when he gets called away to a work emergency in another city. Left alone in his home to experience all the amenities of the modern world, Sarah's life soon becomes a nightmare when she discovers a dead body in the kitchen and shortly thereafter, is knocked unconscious by a mysterious figure. After regaining consciousness, she makes the decision to flee back to her Amish life and hide, but when the detectives knock on her door with questions, she realizes that she will have to look for the murderer herself.

  • Genero: Suspenso
  • Actores: Lexi Minetree, Lesa Wilson, Rachel Coopes, Ty Trumbo, Nick Clark, Gary Modlish, Adam Harper, Ashley S. Evans, tashi simmons, Gregory M. Mitchell
  • Español Latino
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